Alleviating Effect of High Protein Diet on the Toxic Effect of Organophospho~C ompounds on the Growth of Rats

  • A. K. Chatterjee Defence Research & Development Establishment, Gwalior
  • U. Kaveeshwar Defence Research & Development Establishment, Gwalior
Keywords: Toxic stress, Physiology


Elevation of protein in the diet from 19 to 59 per cent ,and keptisocaloric significantly improved the growth over a period of 20 days of male albino rats exposed to the toxic stress of DFP, EPN and Malathion.


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How to Cite
Chatterjee, A., & Kaveeshwar, U. (2013). Alleviating Effect of High Protein Diet on the Toxic Effect of Organophospho~C ompounds on the Growth of Rats. Defence Science Journal, 39(1), 109-112.
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