##about.submissionPreparationChecklist.description##- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format.
- Where available, DOI or URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
- Manuscript is cross-checked by a anti-plagiarism software and its below than 10%.
- We have taken permission from previous publisher or copyright holder/author for re-using of figure/table/artwork/illustration in the manuscript.
Defence Science Journal, a bi-monthly open access journal of the Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO), publishes original research papers having a direct bearing on Military/Defence applications. Major subject fields covered include aeronautics, armaments, combat vehicles and engineering, computer sciences, electronics, material sciences, missiles, and naval systems.
(The accepted manuscript must be uploaded/ submitted as per journal’s TEMPLATE by the author(s) in MS-Word)
No fee is charged for publication
Research articles (Technical contents: 4000 words) are expected to contain original research findings in a clear and concise manner. Papers reporting theoretical, laboratory, and field test results are also considered for publication.
Review articles (Technical contents: 6000 words) are expected to survey, integrate, and critically examine new information accumulated in recent years in a particular subject field. A theme-based topic relevant in the area defence science & technologies. Review articles from subject experts are also commissioned by the Editor.
Short communications/research notes (Technical contents: 2000 words) are normally brief reports or technical notes on the progress of ongoing research and/or an application.
The manuscript should be processed through a plagiarism detection tool before submission. Submitted manuscripts are processed through a plagiarism detection software tool at the Editorial Desk of the Defence Science Journal also. If plagiarism found in the manuscript by the online tool is above the acceptable limit, the manuscript will be rejected.
A manuscript should be less than 10% similarity as reported by an anti-plagiarism software is considered for further peer-review by Reviewers. Deviation in the similarity percentage is finally taken care of by the Editorial Team of DSJ.
Due credit for others' work
If an author of a submission is re-using a figure or figures published elsewhere, or that is copyrighted, the author must provide documentation that the previous publisher or copyright holder has given permission for the figure to be re-published. DSJ Editorial Board Members consider all material in good faith that the publication has full permission to publish every part of the submitted material, including illustrations.
The Journal follows double-blind and two-round of the independent peer-review process. It makes full confidentiality among authors and reviewers and does not take a biased decision. The Editorial Team takes comments/opinions of a minimum of two Reviewers on a manuscript before taking any decision.
Authors are required to include a statement of responsibility in the manuscript that specifies the contribution of every author. Before submission of the manuscript, Authorship pattern should be discussed by communicating Author and the same consent in the scanned copy signed by all authors should be communicated to journal.
Authors of published material have a responsibility to inform publisher promptly if they become aware of any part that requires correcting.
The manuscript should be submitted online in MS-Word format only with typed in 12 fonts (Times New Roman), single space A4 size (210 mm x 297 mm) format, with a margin not less than 25 mm on each side. The reporting in the paper should be generally in the third person. It is mandatory on the part of the corresponding author to furnish the following certificate at the time of submission of the manuscript in the online submission.
Certificate of Originality
“This is to certify that the reported work in the paper entitled “.........................” submitted for publication in the “Defence Science Journal” is an original one and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere. I/we certify that;
- Citations to the previously reported works have been given and no data/tables/figures have been quoted verbatim from the other publications without giving due acknowledgement and without permission of the author(s).
- The consent of all the authors of this paper has been obtained before submitting it.
- All the author has participated sufficiently in any submission to take public responsibility for its content.
- The publication is approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out. And
- Author(s) or author(s) institutions have no conflicts of interest.
[Signatures and names of all the authors and their ORCID]DRDO
LAB CLEARANCE: (Only for officials of DRDO)
It is mandatory to submit the lab clearance by all serving/ retired officials (author’s/ co-author’s) of DRDO along with their manuscript. The lab clearance should be countersigned by Lab Director/ Authorized Officer
“This is to certify that paper titled (title of manuscript), written by (author’s & Co-author’s name with designation), from (lab name) submitted for publication in the ‘Defence Science Journal’, is categorized as classified/general and suitable for publishing in public domain”.
- Concise and informative. Titles are often used in information-retrieval systems. Avoid abbreviations and formulae where possible.
- Author names and affiliations. Please clearly indicate the given name(s) and family name(s) of each author and check that all names are accurately spelled. Present the authors' affiliation addresses (where the actual work was done) below the names. Indicate all affiliations immediately after the author's name and in front of the appropriate address.
- Corresponding author. Clearly indicate who will handle correspondence at all stages of refereeing and publication, also post-publication. Ensure that the e-mail address is given and that contact details are kept up to date by the corresponding author.
A concise and factual abstract is required. The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results, and major conclusions. An abstract is often presented separately from the article, so it must be able to stand alone. For this reason, References should be avoided. Also, non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself. An abstract of about 200 words for research papers, about 150 words for review articles, and about 100 words for research notes and short communications should be provided along with the paper.
Provide a maximum of 6 keywords, using British spelling and avoiding general and plural terms and multiple concepts (avoid, for example, 'and', 'of'). Be sparing with abbreviations: only abbreviations firmly established in the field may be eligible. These keywords will be used for indexing purposes.
Define abbreviations that are not standard in this field. The nomenclature of mathematical symbols and signs used in the text should be given immediately after the keywords. Authors can follow any of the standard units and symbols developed by international agencies in their fields for this purpose. Such abbreviations that are unavoidable in the abstract must be defined at their first mention there, as well as in the footnote. Ensure consistency of abbreviations throughout the article.
Follow internationally accepted rules and conventions: use the international system of units (SI). If other units are mentioned, please give their equivalent in SI.
The author has to submit a 'Language Editing Certificate' from any professional agency or a native English-language expert, whenever the editorial team asked for it.
Please write your text in good English (British usage is accepted). Check your paper thoroughly for
- Spelling errors, especially in your technical terminology.
- Proper syntax in the entire document. Syntax refers to the combination of words and symbols that form correct sentence structure.
- Correct subject-verb agreement. For example, ‘they is coming…’ should be corrected to ‘they are coming...’.
- Use of definite articles (the) and indefinite articles (a, an).
- Proper use of prepositions (of, to, on, onto, etc...).
- Complete and correct punctuation (full stops at the end of sentences, proper use of commas, semicolons, etc...).
- Spelling inconsistencies of the same word within the article.
- Consistency in the use of units of measurement.
- Avoid inconsistencies inactive form (Ram threw the flower) and passive form (the flower was thrown by Ram).
- Be mindful of the rules and structure for switching between the first and third person (switching from using the ‘I’ form to using the ‘he, she, you or they’ forms).
- Ensure proper use of metaphors and figures of speech.
- Be consistent in the use of British English spelling not American.
- Consistency in the use of a decimal comma (30,4) or a decimal point (30.4).
Tables should supplement and should not duplicate the information contained in the text. Tables should be explicitly referred to in the text in numerical order with brief titles. Column headings should be brief, bold and the units of measurement should be placed below the headings in parentheses. All Tables should be available with captions. Maximum Five (5) Tables are allowed in a manuscript.
All figures (charts, diagrams, line drawings, and photographic images) should be of good quality. Make sure all necessary files have been uploaded/attached. All figure captions are available. Illustrations should be numbered in order of their occurrence in the text with Indo-Arabic numerals and should have short descriptive captions. Lettering should be in the capital only and large enough to be legible after a reduction of 50-60 per cent. Scanned/xeroxed images reproduced poorly need not be included. Illustrations taken from other publications must be acknowledged. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain permission for reprinting such illustrations in Defence Science Journal. The preferred format is encapsulated postscript (.eps) for line figures and .tif for halftone figures with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch). Colour should be used only where absolutely necessary for the understanding of the figure. Colour should not be used for distinguishing data in line diagrams. Maximum Six (6) figures are allowed in a manuscript. All Figures should be available with captions.
When chemical/mathematical equations are used in papers, these should be legible. The symbols, not covered in nomenclature (or when nomenclature is not given), should be explained immediately after their first usage in the text. Equations should be consecutively numbered in whole numbers in parentheses (for example, (2), (15), (19), etc.) at the right margin. Reference to the equations in the text should be abbreviated as Eqn (1), Eqns (5-7), etc. Complex structural formulae of chemical compounds should be prepared as illustrations. Capital, lower case and Greek letters should be distinguished clearly. Letters which are sometimes confused for one another (for example, O & 0; l & 1; V, v & n; r & p; X, x & c; K, k & k; E & e; etc.) should clearly be distinguished. When a Greek letter is used, it should be spelled out in the margin where it is first used.
Citation in text
Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). Any references cited in the abstract must be given in full. Unpublished results and personal communications are not recommended in the reference list.
Reference links
Increased discoverability of research and high-quality peer review are ensured by online links to the sources cited. In order to allow us to create links to abstracting and indexing services, such as Scopus, CrossRef, please ensure that data provided in the references are correct. Please note that incorrect surnames, journal/book titles, publication year and pagination may prevent link creation. When copying references, please be careful as they may already contain errors. The use of the DOI is encouraged.
Web references
As a minimum, the full URL should be given and the date when the reference was last accessed. Any further information, if known (DOI, author names, dates, reference to a source publication, etc.), should also be given. Web references can be listed separately (e.g., after the reference list) under a different heading if desired, or can be included in the reference list.
Reference Style
Text: Indicate references by number(s) as superscript in line with the text. The actual authors can be referred to, but the reference number(s) must always be given. Example: '..... as demonstrated [3,6]. Barnaby and Jones [8] obtained a different result ....'
List: Number the references (numbers in superscript) in the list in the order in which they appear in the text. References are each numbered, ordered sequentially as they appear in the text, tables, boxes, figure legends.
The maximum number of references, strictly enforced, is 50 for Articles.
The latest references should also be provided, otherwise, an explanatory note should be provided separately. References to personal communication should not be placed under references but should be cited in the text in parentheses. A reference should be listed only once. Use of ibid., idem., op.cit., should be avoided.
Journal Article
- Rao, M. & Ratnam, D. Faster acquisition technique for software-defined GPS receivers. Sci. J., 2015, 65(1), 5-11. doi:10.14429/dsj.65.5579
- Weifan, C.; Fengsheng, L.; Jianxun, L.; Song, Hongchang & Yu, Jiyi. Nanometer Co3O4 powder by solid phase reaction. Cuitua Xucbao, 2005, 26(2), 1073-77 (Chinese).
- Wang, Z.J.; Birch, J.M. & Dickinson, M.H. Unsteady forces and flows in low Reynolds number hovering flight: Two-dimensional computations vs robotic wing experiment. Experimental Biol.,2004, 207(3), 449-60. doi: 10.1242/jeb.00739 http://jeb.biologists.org/cgi/content/full/207/3/449 [Accessed on 17 November 2007].
The electronic sources should include the URL and date of access.
Journal abbreviations source
Journal names should be abbreviated according to
List of title word abbreviations: http://www.issn.org/2-22661-LTWA-online.php
CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service): http://cassi.cas.org
However, single and double word journal titles (for example, Nature, Science, Scientific American) should be given in full
Book/Monograph - Hitchins, Derek K. System engineering: A 21st century systems methodology. John Wiley, England, 2007. 502 p.
A chapter from a Book - Bodony, D.J. & Lele, S.K. Applications and results for large-eddy simulations for acoustics: Far-field jet acoustics. In LES for eddy acoustics, edited by C. Wagner, T. Huttl & P. Sagaut. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, UK, 2005. pp. 289-310. doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511546143.008
- Lokesha, B.N. Advanced avionics and electronic warfare system for fighter aircraft.In DRDO Technology Spectrum. Defence Research and Development Organisation, Ministry of Defence, India, 2008. pp. 10-26.
Conference Paper - Ekstein, J.; Freitag, E.; Hirsch, C. & Sattelmayer, T. Experimental study on the role of entropy diffusion waves in low-frequency oscillations for a diffusion burner. InProceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2004: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, ASME, Fairfield, NJ, 2004. doi:10.1115/GT2004-54163
Report - Savage, S.J. Defence applications of nanocomposite materials. FOI-Swedesh Defence Research Agency, User Report No. FOI-R-1524-SE. December 2004.
Patent - Man, T.Y.; Leung, C.Y.; Leung, K.N.; Mok, P.K.T. & Chan, M. Single-transister-conrol low-dropout regulator. US patent 7285952, 23 October 2007.
- International Organisation for Standardisation. Document Management–Electronic document file format for long-term preservation–Part1: Use of PDF 1.4 (PDF/A-I). ISO 19005-1:2005, Geneva, Switzerland. ISO, 2005.
Thesis/Dissertation - De Roek, W. Hybrid methodologies for the computational aeroacoustic analysis of confined, subsonic flows. Katholieke University, Leuven, Belgium, 2007. (PhD Thesis).
Video Data
DSJ accepts video material and animation sequences to support and enhance your scientific research. Authors who have video or animation files that they wish to submit with their article are strongly encouraged to include links to these within the body of the article. This can be done in the same way as a figure or table by referring to the video or animation content and noting in the body text where it should be placed. All submitted files should be properly labeled so that they directly relate to the video file's content. In order to ensure that your video or animation material is directly usable, please provide the files in one of our recommended file formats with a preferred maximum size of 150 MB. Video and animation files supplied will be published online in the electronic version of your article in DSJ. Note: since video and animation cannot be embedded in the print version of the journal, please provide text for both the electronic and the print version for the portions of the article that refer to this content.
Supplementary Material
Supplementary material can support and enhance your scientific research. Supplementary files offer the author additional possibilities to publish supporting applications, high-resolution images, background datasets, sound clips, and more. Please note that such items are published online exactly as they are submitted; there is no typesetting involved (supplementary data supplied as an Excel file or as a PowerPoint slide will appear as such online). Please submit the material together with the article and supply a concise and descriptive caption for each file.
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