Creep Transition in a Thin Rotating Dise Of Variable Density

  • S. K. Gupta H.P. University, Shimla
  • Sanjeev Sharma H.P. University, Shimla
  • Sonia Pathak H.P. University, Shimla
Keywords: Seths transition theory, Fracture, Angular speed


Creep stress~s and strain rates have been obtained for a thin rotating disc having variable density using Sethrs transition theory. It h'11s been observed that a disc whose density decreases radially, rotates at higher angplar speed, thus increasing the possibility of a fracture at the bore, whereas for a disc whose density increaseslradially, recedes the possibility ofa fracture. The deforamation is signircant for a disc having variable denlsity and rotating at higher angular speed.

Author Biographies

S. K. Gupta, H.P. University, Shimla
Dr S.K. Gupta obtained hislPhD from Roorkee University in 1970. Presently he is working as Professor  in the Department of Mathematics, H;P. University, Shimla. He has 31 years of teaching and reselirch experience. He lias guided several PhD theses. His areas of research include: applied mathematics, solid mechanics, elastlc-plastic and cre.ep theory. He,has published four papers in national(intemational) joumals.
Sanjeev Sharma, H.P. University, Shimla
Ms Sonia Pathakobtained herMSc (Mathematics) from  H.P. University, Shimla, in 1995. Presently, she is doing her PhD (Mathematics) from H.P. University, Shimla. She has published tour papers in national journals. Her areas of research include: elastic-plastic and creep transition in homogenous and non-homogenous materials
Sonia Pathak, H.P. University, Shimla
H.P. University, Shimla


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How to Cite
Gupta, S., Sharma, S., & Pathak, S. (2013). Creep Transition in a Thin Rotating Dise Of Variable Density. Defence Science Journal, 50(2), 147-153.
Applied Physics & Fluid Dynamics