Creep Transition in a Thin Rotating Disc with Rigid Inclusion

  • S. K. Gupta H.P. University, Shimla
  • Dr. Pankaj H.P. University, Shimla
Keywords: Creep stress, thin rotating disc, stress, strain, rotors, turbines, creep transition, solidmechanics


Creep stresses and strain rates  have been obtained for a thin rotating disc with inclusionusing Seth’s transition theory. Results have been discussed numerically and depicted graphically.It has been observed that radial stress has maximum value at the internal surface of the rotatingdisc made of incompressible material as compared to circumferential stress and this value ofradial stress further increases with the increase in angular speed. Strain rates have maximumvalues at the internal surface for compressible material. Rotating disc is likely to fracture bycleavage close to the inclusion at the bore
How to Cite
Gupta, S., & Pankaj, D. (2007). Creep Transition in a Thin Rotating Disc with Rigid Inclusion. Defence Science Journal, 57(2), 185-195.
Applied Physics & Fluid Dynamics

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