Target Handing over System using Pyramid Processing .

  • M. Sankar Kishore Research Centre Imarat, Hyderabad
Keywords: Pyramid processing techniques, Pre processing techniques, High resolution (HR) sensor, Low resolution (LR) sensor


The image seen by the low resolution (LR) sensor and the image (of the same scene) seen by the operator through the high resolution (HR) sensor are different in spatial resolution. To establish the correlation between these two images, the HR image needs to be resampled and made similar to the LR sensor image by applying a pre-processing technique. The pre-processing will be carried out by handing over system that resamples the HR sensor image making it compatible with LR sensor image and hands over the resampled image to the LR sensor through a serial link. The pre-processing technique reported by Boland has been studied, analysed and implemented using 86 family of processors. Automatic target handing over system discusses the implementation of pre-processing technique, computational complexity and criticality of the execution time. The execution time reported was 1.5 s, whereas the requirement is of the order of few milliseconds for the typical set of conditions. This paper discusses the implementation of a suitable handing over algorithm. Emphasis has been to develop hardware and software to reduce the execution time, which has been brought down from 1.5 s to 40 ms for a typical set of conditions. Emphasis has also been given to reduce the transmission time by applying suitable pyramid processing techniques. The hardware is designed around i486 processor, and the software is developed in PL/M86.

Author Biography

M. Sankar Kishore, Research Centre Imarat, Hyderabad
Mr M Sankar Kishore obtained his MSc (Tech) Electronics with specialisation in linear digitalapplications from REC, Warangal and ME (Guidance & Control) from Poona University in 1983 and1986. respectively. He joined DRDO at the Research Centre Imarat (RCI). Hyderabad. in 1985. Hisareas of research include image processing and pattern recognition. He is a fellow of IETE; a memberof Computer Society of India; Institution of Engineers (IE), India; Aeronautical Society of India and Astronautical Society of India. He has published 14 research papers in national/international journals


Boland, J. S.; Pinson, L. J.; Kane, G. R.; Honnell,M.A. & Peters E.G. Automatic targets handoff using correlation techniques. Auburn University, Alabama, 1977. Technical Report. 57-63.

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Intel PL/M 86 User's Guied. Intel Literature Department, USA,1985.

How to Cite
Kishore, M. (2013). Target Handing over System using Pyramid Processing . Defence Science Journal, 49(1), 41-48.
Armaments & Explosives