Dustfall at Jodhpur-Part III

  • J. C. Chaudhuri Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur
  • O. P. Bhati Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur
  • U. K. Dave Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur
Keywords: Aluminium Pans, Dustfall Collector, Ionic


Dustfall collections were continued for 1964 and 1965, in large aluminium pans. In 1965, the newly designed apparatus called "Dustfall Collector" was used in addition. The atmospheric deposits occurring during the period of storm and high wind were separately collected for each year. The water insolubles and water solubles were determined. SO/Sub4 and CO/Sub3 ions were found absent in all samples except that CO/Sub3 was present in only June and July samples of 1964.
How to Cite
Chaudhuri, J., Bhati, O., & Dave, U. (2014). Dustfall at Jodhpur-Part III. Defence Science Journal, 18(2), 95-106. https://doi.org/10.14429/dsj.18.7439
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