Optimum Non-Slender Geometries of Revolution for Minimum Drag in Free-Molecular Row With Given Isoperimetric Constraints

  • S. C. Jain Defence Science Centre, Delhi
Keywords: Molecular Flow, Isoperimetric Constraints


The problem of determining the non-slender bodies of revolution having minimum drag in free-molecular flow region for given integral constraints has been solved with the calculus of variations. Optimum bodies for known values of surface area and volume are blunt nosed and value of drag coefficients C, decreases with the shape parameter H ( = 18 pie V2/S3). For given value of shape parameter, value of yf decreases as K increases.


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How to Cite
Jain, S. (2013). Optimum Non-Slender Geometries of Revolution for Minimum Drag in Free-Molecular Row With Given Isoperimetric Constraints. Defence Science Journal, 38(2), 183-190. https://doi.org/10.14429/dsj.38.4836
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