Recent Trends in Smart Technology

  • V. K. Jain Solid State Physics laboratory, Delhi
  • C. R. Jalwania Solid State Physics laboratory, Delhi
Keywords: Microflow meter, Microelectromechanical systems, Miniaturised system, Microsensor


Integration of a microsensor, microactuator and intelligent control at one place can provide aminiaturised system. Such devices go under different names, such as smart structures, smart sensors or micro electro mechanical systems (MEMSs), etc. The functioning of these systems is analogous tobiological pattern of functioning. The sensors gather information, analyse through electronic microprocessrs and 'then actuate accordingly. These devices have applications in medicine,aerospace, automotive and defence systems. Though some systems have been developed, most of them are in the development stage or conceptual stage. This paper presents a review of smarttechnology and also describes a microflow meter integrated with an optical sensor developed in this Laboratory .

Author Biographies

V. K. Jain, Solid State Physics laboratory, Delhi
Dr VK Jain got his PhD in Solid State Physics from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, in 1970.He joined at the Solidstate Physics Laboratory (SPL), Delhi, in 1972. Presently, he is heading theSilicon Discrete Device Group, where the first observation of the bright electroluminescence wasmade by making a p-n junction in porous silicon and the same was also reported by many international/national journals. His areas of research include development of micro electro mechanical systems (MEMSs ), space quality silicon solar cells and other Si devices. Hehas published more than 75 research papers in national/international journals. He is Secretary,Semiconductor Society of India and a member of Asian Physical Society.
C. R. Jalwania, Solid State Physics laboratory, Delhi
Mr CR Jalwania received his MSc (Physics) from University of Rajasthan in 1973. He joined DRDO in 1974 at the Defence Electronics Research Laboratory (DLRL), Hyderabad and worked on the development of radar antenna in L-band. He has also worked at the Defence IonosphericResearch Station, Gauhati. He joined Solidstate Physics Laboratory (SPL) in 1981. His areas ofresearch include solar cells, p-i-n diodes semiconductor bridge-an ignitor for explosives andporous silicon and microelectromechanical systems (MEMSs) based on micromachining of Si. Hehas published 15 papers in international journals. His poster paper on Microflow meter based onMEMSs technology was awarded the best paper in IWPSD-97. He has recently visited Germany fora training programme on sophisticated mask aligner .


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How to Cite
Jain, V., & Jalwania, C. (2013). Recent Trends in Smart Technology. Defence Science Journal, 48(1), 21-29.