Effect of Ricin on Some Biochemical, Haematological, and Histopathological Variables in Mice
Ricin, intraperitoneal route. oral route, toxicity, leukocytosis, median lethal concentration, uric acid, piloerection, mice, proteineous toxin
Acute toxicity studies of ricin were carried out in Swiss albino male mice. The median lethal concentration (LD,,) values were determined for mice through intraperitoneal and oral routes and were found to be 1.01 ~ g l k gan d 28.29 mglkg, respectively. The ricin (1.0 LD,d was administered in mice through intraperitoneal route and various toxicity-related clinical var~ableswere studied on the I", 3'd, and the 7" day of post-exposure. The prominent symptoms before death, were diarrhoea with black sticky vent and piloerection. The body weight decreased
significantly in a dose-dependent manner. No significant change was observed in organ-to-body weight ratio on the 1". 3d, and the 7th day of post-exposure except kidney weight. On the 71h day, kidney weight increased significantty. The levels of bloodurea, uric acid, and glucose increased, while total protein level decreased. However, activities of transaminase and phosphatases were not altered. Leukocytosis was also observed. The ricin also affected blood coagulation parameters. There was a significant increase in the clotting time. However, prothrombin time, bleeding time, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate were not altered. Histopathological studies showed degenerative changes in various visceral organs, viz, lungs, liver, spleen, kidney, and testis. Acute toxicity studies of ricin revealed that it is a highly toxic toxin. The ricin intoxication caused alterations in biochemical, haematological variables, and degenerative changes in various visceral organs.
How to Cite
Prakash, A., Kumar, O., Sugendran, K., Pant, S., & Vijayaraghavan, R. (2004). Effect of Ricin on Some Biochemical, Haematological, and Histopathological Variables in Mice. Defence Science Journal, 54(4), 493-502. https://doi.org/10.14429/dsj.54.2063
Biomedical Sciences
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