Design of Frequency Invariant Wideband Beamformer with Real and Symmetric FIR Filters

  • Weicheng Zhang National University of Defense Technology, Changsha
  • Zengping Chen National University of Defense Technology, Changsha
Keywords: Wideband beamformer, frequency invariant, finite impulse response filters, Landau-Pollak theorem


An approach to wideband beamformer with frequency invariant property is proposed by optimising the space-time two-dimensional finite impulse response (FIR) filters. Frequency invariant beam pattern brings some restrictions on frequency bandwith and filter length. Using the Landau-Pollak theorem to estimate the rank of wideband signals, we give the lower bound of filter length respect to array element numbers and the relative bandwidth of wideband signal. With the expression of beam pattern using real and symmetric FIR filters, we develop corresponding optimisation formation considering the robustness of beamformer as well, which can be easily solved by the least mean square (LMS) algorithm. A design example is provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Defence Science Journal, 2012, 62(4), pp.243-247, DOI:

Author Biographies

Weicheng Zhang, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha
Mr Zhang Weicheng received his BSc (Communication) from the Beihang University, China in 2004 and MSc (Computer Applications) from Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2007. Presently, he is pursuing his PhD at National University of Defense Techonolgy, China. His research interests include: information acquisition and circuit realisation.
Zengping Chen, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha
Mr Chen Zengping is presently working as a professor in ATR Key Laboratory at National University of Defense Technology. He is also the vice-director of ATR Key Laboratory. His research interests include: Radar targets recognition, information acquisition and processing techniques.
How to Cite
Zhang, W., & Chen, Z. (2012). Design of Frequency Invariant Wideband Beamformer with Real and Symmetric FIR Filters. Defence Science Journal, 62(4), 243-247.
Electronics & Communication Systems