One Dimensional Small Amplitude Waves in Radiation Gas Dynamics

  • Phoolan Prasad Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Keywords: Rosseland, Astrophysics, Lick's Equation, RGD


Equations for one dimensional radiation gas dynamics (RGD) have been derived. It is shown that the Rosseland approximation, widely used in Astrophysics, is a particular case of the new set of equations. The equation for small amplitude waves is also derived and Lick's equation is found to be a particular case of the present equation when velocity 'C' of light in the medium tends to infinity. In RGD there exist radiation induced waves travelling with velocities comparable to 'c' and these waves are followed by modified gas-dynamics waves. Also when radiation pressure is comparable to gas pressure, we cannot neglect the time derivative in the radiative transfer equation, though it comes with a factor 1/c. Many other interesting featurs of waves in RGD are discussed.

Author Biography

Phoolan Prasad, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Department of Applied Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
How to Cite
Prasad, P. (2014). One Dimensional Small Amplitude Waves in Radiation Gas Dynamics. Defence Science Journal, 17(4), 185-200.
Research Papers