Studies on contact toxicity-part v: residual activity of DDT applied in admixture with glue-dichromate on mud surface.

  • R. K. Paul Defence Research Laboratory (Stores), Kanpur
  • S. L. Perti Defence Research Laboratory (Stores), Kanpur
Keywords: Gluedichromate, Musca nebulo, Mosquitos, Insecticides


Residual activity of DDT applied in admixture with gluedichromate on mud surface has been investigated against the housefly, Musca nebulo Linn. and the mosquito, Culex fatigans Wied. It has been found that the addition of gluedichromate to DDT dispersion in water or DDT emulsion considerably enhances the residual activity of the insecticide against flies and mosquitoes. The practical value of the results has been discussed.
How to Cite
Paul, R., & Perti, S. (2014). Studies on contact toxicity-part v: residual activity of DDT applied in admixture with glue-dichromate on mud surface. Defence Science Journal, 12(3), 298-308.
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