Radiobiological Research for Improving Tumour Radiotherapy An Indian Perspective

  • Viney Jain Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences, Delhi
Keywords: Radiation energy, Cellular repair process, Molecular lesions, Halopyrimidines, Repairable DNA lesions, Therapeutic index


"Radiation-induced damage to normal tissues within the non-target volume is a major limitation of tumor radiotherapy. Physical methods to obtain superior spatial dose distributions use sophisticated technology and are expensive. Large scale applications of these technologies in developing country like India, with a large number of cancer patients, poor instrumental facilities and inadequate infrastructure face several problems. Radiobiological research aiming at developing simple, inexpensive and effective methods to increase the differential response between tumor and normal tissues should be, therefore, strengthened. Biological end-points are determined not only by the molecular lesions produced due to the absorption of the radiation energy but also by the cellular repair processes, which becomes operative in response to lesions in the living system. Therefore, enhancement of repair processes in the normal tissues and inhibition of the same in tumors should considerably improve the therapeutic index of radiation treatment. A combination of agents which can suitably alter the spectrum of important molecular lesions with modifiers of cellular repair could be an effective strategy. Initial experiments using halopyrimidines to increase repairable DNA lesions produced by sparsely ionizing radiations in combination with 2-deoxy-D-glucose to modulate differentially the repair and fixation processes in the tumor and normal tissues have provided promising results. Further research work is warranted since this strategy appears to have great potential for improving tumor radiotherapy."

Author Biography

Viney Jain, Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences, Delhi
Znstitute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences, Delhi
How to Cite
Jain, V. (2013). Radiobiological Research for Improving Tumour Radiotherapy An Indian Perspective. Defence Science Journal, 40(4), 401-417.
Biomedical Sciences