Differential Ballistic Response of Aramid-Glass Fibre Laminates to Soft and Hard Shots .

  • T. Balakrishna Bhat Research & Development Establishment (Engrs), Pune
  • S. S. Rao Research & Development Establishment (Engrs), Pune
  • M. N. Saraf Defence Materials & Stores Research & Development Establishment, Kanpur
Keywords: Ball ammunition, Glass fibre phenolic composites, Armour piercing bullets


Ballistic perfonnance of all-glass, all-aramid and aramid-glass fibre-reinforced phenolic resincomposite laminates has been evaluated against 0.30 in. calibre soft ball and hard armour piercing (AP) bullets. It is observed that mass effective ness of glass fibre phenolic composites against impacts by APbullets can be improved by aramid fibre'reinforcement in the back of laminate. The perfonnance of a ramid phenolic composites against ball ammunition can be improved by hybridisation with glass fibre reinforcement at the front.

Author Biographies

T. Balakrishna Bhat, Research & Development Establishment (Engrs), Pune
Dr T Balakrishna Bhat obtained his PhD in Metallurgy from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT),Madras. Presently, he is heading Armour Materials Research and Design Group at the DefenceMeta\lurgical Research Laboratory, Hyderabad. He is a recipient of VASVIK Award and National Metallu.!-Kist Day Award. For three years, he was Visiting Scientist at Jet Propulsion Laboratory,USA, where he also received the NASA Award. He has more than 40 papers and a patent to his credit.
S. S. Rao, Research & Development Establishment (Engrs), Pune
Dr ss Rao joined DRDO at the Defence Research Laboratory, Tezpur, in 1974. He has beenworking at the Defence Metallurgical Researcrh Laboratory, Hyderabad,since 1992. His area of research includes armour materials. He has about 30 research papers to his credit.
M. N. Saraf, Defence Materials & Stores Research & Development Establishment, Kanpur
Mr M.N. Saraf obtained his MSc in Chemistry from Nagpur University in 1964. He joined DRDO as Senior Apprentice at the Defence Materials & Stores Research & Devlopment Establishment,Kanpur. He has been working in the areas of polymers and composites since 1967. He received DRDO Scientist of the Year Award for his 'contribution in 1he field of polymers and composites.Presently, he is Jt Director, DMSRDE, Kanpur. He has published more than 35 research papers onvarious aspects of FRP'composites. He is instrumental in the development of important nonmetalli ccomposites having applications in armour, combat aircraft structures, etc.


Panda, S.P.; Navale, N.G.; Saraf, M.N.; Gupta, R.K. & Goel, R.A. Ballistic applications of glass and Kevlar fibre vinyl ester composites. Del Sci. J:, 1994,44,341-43.

Denommee, M. US Patent. 3,832,265.1973.

Beaumont, P.W.R.; Riewa1d, P.G. & Zweben, c. Foreign object impact damage to composites. ASTM, Philadelphia, USA, 1973, p.134. ASTM Spec. Tech. Pub. 568.

How to Cite
Bhat, T., Rao, S., & Saraf, M. (2013). Differential Ballistic Response of Aramid-Glass Fibre Laminates to Soft and Hard Shots . Defence Science Journal, 48(1), 115-118. https://doi.org/10.14429/dsj.48.3875
Materials Science & Metallurgy

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