Armour Protection and Affordable Protection for Futuristic Combat Vehicles

  • V. Madhu Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, Hyderabad
  • T. Balakrishna Bhat Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, Hyderabad
Keywords: Ceramic armour, composite materials, metals, combat vehicles, bulging armour, electromagnetic armour, dynamic armour, intelligent armour, active protection system


Protection creates a shift in the internal paradigm of the soldier and leads to multiplied psychological stamina for moving fearlessly in the battlefield which generates a major force-multiplier effect. Hence, the mechanized forces are still likely to be one of the dominant forces on the futuristic battlefield and would be the primary target of enemy forces capable of engaging from tank guns up to 4-5 km in a direct fire mode and up to 8-10 km in an indirect fire modes. Increased protection is possible only using advanced armour technology. Throughout the history of warfare, materials technologies have had a significant impact on land-combat force capabilities. Armour materials have progressed through improvements in metallic systems and development of advanced, lightweight (low areal density) composite materials. The advancements in ceramic systems have further improved the performance. Similarly, the advances in development of explosive reactive armour has generated efficient armour system against all contemporary high explosive antitank (HEAT) ammunition and missile threats for armoured vehicles. Yet, to achieve armour performance exceeding that of the current light combat vehicles and main battle tanks for new vehicular systems, weighing significantly less than the present combat vehicles, advances in new armour materials, systems, and survivability technologies are required. This paper describes various approaches and advancements in the metallic, ceramic, and composite armour materials and new dynamic armour systems that are essential to improve the survivability of armoured vehicles in the futurisitic multi-spectral battlefied scenarios.

Defence Science Journal, 2011, 61(4), pp.394-402, DOI:

Author Biographies

V. Madhu, Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, Hyderabad
Dr Vemuri Madhu, obtained did his PhD (Applied Mechanics) from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi in 1993. Currently, he is working as Scientist F at the Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory(DMRL), Hyderabad. He is working in the areas of development of armour materials and systems for various types of protective applications. He is a recipient of the DRDO Performance Excellence Award in 2008 (as a team member), Laboratory Scientist of the Year Award in 2006 and National Technology Day Award in 2003. He has more than 50 research papers and technical reports to his credit. His research interests are in the areas of ceramic and composite armour development, modelling and simulation of ballistic phenomena, high strain rate characterisation and shock studies on armour materials and development of protective systems for military and civil applications.


T. Balakrishna Bhat, Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, Hyderabad
Dr T. Balakrishna Bhat, obtained his PhD from IIT Madras, Chennai. He is working as Emeritus Scientist at the Armour Design & Development Division, DMRL, Hyderabad. He has about 150 publications and a patent to his credit. He was awarded four NASA Invention Cash Awards. He has also received Best National Metallurgist
Award in 1993 and VASAVIK Award in 1981. As a team leader, he received the DRDO Award for Performance Excellence in 2008 as a team leader and National Technology Day Award in 2009. He has vast research experience in areas of high technology materials which include composite materials, high energy materials, advanced armour materials, design and selection, micro-sandwich cellular solids, effective ballistic testing, technology development and transfer.
How to Cite
Madhu, V., & Bhat, T. (2011). Armour Protection and Affordable Protection for Futuristic Combat Vehicles. Defence Science Journal, 61(4), 394-402.

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