Lip Height and its Significance in Ballistic Studies

  • S. N. Dikshit Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, Hyderabad
Keywords: Projectile, Ballistic parameters, Armour plates


The mechanism of lip formation in steel arrnour plates has been investigated. Low alloy steelarrnour plates of20, 40 and 80 mm thickness were impacted at zero incidence by steel projectiles of 6.l ,20 and 40 mm diameter, respectively at.different velocities. The lip height was observed to exhibitdefinite correlations with other ballistic parameters like depth of penetration, crater volume, plasticzone and kinetic energy of the projectile.

Author Biography

S. N. Dikshit, Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, Hyderabad
Col (Dr) SN Dikshit obtained his ME (Mechanical) from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and PhD from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, in 1982 and 1994 respectively. At DefenceMetallurgical Research Laboratory, he is actively engaged in the design and development of lightweight Kanchan composite armour and 'explosive reactive armour' for the protection ofmain battletanks Arjun. Vijayanta and Ajeya. He has published several papers in international and national journals. He is a life member of the Indian Institute of Metals. He has been awarded Vishisht Seva Medal for his meritorious services in the field of armour in 1997.104entry side of thick steeldence exhibits a definitelised to estimate a host oframeters like U, Xp and Llishing the ballistic worthh different T/D ratios.


Dikshit, S.N. & Sundararajan, G. The penetration of thick steel plates by ogive-shaped projectilesexperiment and analysis. Int. J Impact Engg. , 1992,12(3),373-408.

Dikshit, S.N. & Sundararajan, G. Effect of clamping rigidity of the armour on ballistic

performance.DejSci.J, 1992,42(2),117-20.

Dikshit, S.N. Studies on ballistic performance of thick steel armour plates, Banaras Hindu

University, Varanasi, 1993. PhD Thesis.

Dikshit, S.N .; Kutumbarao, V. V. & Sundararajan, G. The influence of plate hardness on the ballistic penetration of thick steel plates. Int. J Impact Engg., 1995,16(2),293-320.

How to Cite
Dikshit, S. (2013). Lip Height and its Significance in Ballistic Studies. Defence Science Journal, 48(1), 99-104.