Modelling of DMNB Content for Marked Plastic Explosives

  • R.K. Sinha High Energy Materials Research Laboratory, Pune
  • Himanshu Shekhar High Energy Materials Research Laboratory, Pune
  • A. Subhananda Rao High Energy Materials Research Laboratory, Pune
  • Haridwar Singh Central University, Hyderabad
Keywords: Cyclonite, RDX, low-temperature plastic explosive, LTPE, plastic explosive Kirkee, PEK, DMNB, marked plastic explosive


2,3-dimethyl-2,3-dinitrobutane (DMNB) has been internationally accepted as an additive forthe purpose of marking, as it has desired vapour pressure for reliable detection. It is reportedto be compatible with known explosive formulations and has a good shelf life. Explosivecompositions with DMNB as marking agent can be detected in the temperature range –20 ºC to+ 50 ºC. This paper describes modelling for quantifying activation energy for depletion of  DMNBin the marked explosives, period for definite detection of the marked explosives and optimuminitial concentration needed for the detection of DMNB content in the marked  plastic explosives.
How to Cite
Sinha, R., Shekhar, H., Rao, A. S., & Singh, H. (2007). Modelling of DMNB Content for Marked Plastic Explosives. Defence Science Journal, 57(6), 811-815.
Armaments & Explosives