Flow of an Elastico-viscous Fluid Past an Infinite Platewith Variable Suction

  • Ch. V. Ramana Murthy Finolex Academy of Management & Technology, Ratnagiri
  • S.B. Kulkarni Finolex Academy of Management & Technology, Ratnagiri
  • B.B. Singh Dr BabasahebAmbedkar Technological University, Vidyavihar, Lonere
Keywords: Elastico-viscosity, second-order fluid, retarded history, suction parameter


Unsteady state flow of an incompressible elastico-viscous fluid of second-order type pastan infinite vertical porous flat plate by considering uniform and variable suction normal to theplate has been studied  and an exact solution is obtained for the velocity field. In the presentsituation, only two prescribed boundary conditions are available while the governing equationof motion is of third-order due to the presence of elastico-viscosity parameter.  The conceptfollowing Walters has been used for a much more meaningful solution.  The results for thevelocity distribution and skin friction have been analysed and discussed for different values ofthe parameters encountered in the governing equation of motion and skin friction on the plate.It is found that the effect of elastico-viscosity  and suction has significant contribution on thebackflow at the wall
How to Cite
Murthy, C. V., Kulkarni, S., & Singh, B. (2007). Flow of an Elastico-viscous Fluid Past an Infinite Platewith Variable Suction. Defence Science Journal, 57(4), 403-410. https://doi.org/10.14429/dsj.57.1787
Applied Physics & Fluid Dynamics