Estimation of Heat Loss in a Closed Vessel

  • B. A. Parate Armament Research & Development Establishment, Pune
  • C. M. Kulkarni Armament Research & Development Establishment, Pune
Keywords: Closed vessel, heat transfer, heat loss, heat generation


Power cartridges are designed and developed for use in military aircraft in association withHigh Energy Materials Research Laboratory, Pune. During development, the cartridge is firedin a closed vessel to generate basic design parameters. When the cartridge is fired, the heat islost to the walls of the vessel due to conduction, convection, radiation, and to some extent, byexpansion of the vessel. An attempt has been made to estimate the heat loss from the vesseland the surrounding. The aim of this study was to lay down the technical results theoreticallyand their validation through experiments.
How to Cite
Parate, B., & Kulkarni, C. (2007). Estimation of Heat Loss in a Closed Vessel. Defence Science Journal, 57(2), 223-228.
Armaments & Explosives