Angular Orientation of Anti-Aircraft Gun for Interception of a Moving Air Target

  • Deepak Kumar Directorate of Standardisation, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi
Keywords: Gun laying equations, angular orientation, anti-aircraft guns, future position, moving air target


The paper considers the problem of angular orientation of anti-aircraft guns towards a moving air target. The factors affecting the collision of the projectile fired from a gun with the moving air target are highlighted. Thereafter, a mathematical model has been developed to estimate the angular orientation of the anti-aircraft gun in terms of bearing and elevation, in the direction of the predicted future position of the moving air target, to enable collision of the projectile with the target.

Defence Science Journal, 2009, 59(1), pp.3-14, DOI:



How to Cite
Kumar, D. (2009). Angular Orientation of Anti-Aircraft Gun for Interception of a Moving Air Target. Defence Science Journal, 59(1), 3-14.
Research Papers