Statistical appreciation of experimental data on variations in the mortalities of the mosquito culex fatigans when exposed to DDT

  • N. K. Chakravarti Defence Research Laboratory (Stores), Kanpur
Keywords: Mortality of insect, Culex fatigans wied exposed to DDT


Variation in the mortality of the insect Culex Fatigans Wied when exposed to DDT have been reported by Koshi and Ranganathan, with the help of data collected every fortnight in the Defence Research Laboratory(stores), Kanpur beginning September, 1949. The statistical analysis of the analysis of the data is presented in the present paper. It appear from the analysis that over and above the significant influence of humidity and the influence, though not significant, of temperature on mortalities , there is a marked seasonal pattern exhibited by the mortalities.
How to Cite
Chakravarti, N. (2014). Statistical appreciation of experimental data on variations in the mortalities of the mosquito culex fatigans when exposed to DDT. Defence Science Journal, 10(1), 24-31.
Research Papers