An apparatus for determining water vapour permeability of fabrics

  • B. L. Saksena Technical Development Establishment , Laboratories, Kanpur
  • S. S. Krishna Technical Development Establishment , Laboratories, Kanpur
Keywords: Fabrics, Water vapour


An apparatus for the determination of water vapour permeability (W.V.P.) of fabrics is described. The fabric partitions a closed space into two compartments in which are circulated air streams having high and low water vapour pressure respectively, without any overall pressure or temperature difference. The transfer of moisture from the high to the low humidity side of the fabric is gravimetrically measured. Results of tests are given.
How to Cite
Saksena, B., & Krishna, S. (2014). An apparatus for determining water vapour permeability of fabrics. Defence Science Journal, 5(2), 136-141.
Research Papers