Electro Magnetic Wave Propagation in a Dissipative Medium (Earth)

  • T. S. Murty Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur
Keywords: Sub Surface'Communication, Wave Propagation


This paper deals with a brief review of the work carried out in 'Sub Surface' Communication', by various investigators. The feasibility of underground communication using low-conducting granite layer as a medium has been discussed. The effect of ground-constants on the propagation constant 'v', and the dependence of attenuation on the frequency of operation and the conductivity of the medium, are dealt with.
How to Cite
Murty, T. (2014). Electro Magnetic Wave Propagation in a Dissipative Medium (Earth). Defence Science Journal, 17(4A), 73-78. https://doi.org/10.14429/dsj.17.7418
Research Papers