Repellents Against Land Leeches for Military Use

  • T. Koshy Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences, Delhi
Keywords: Skin Repellent, Insect and Mite


A short account of the habits and nature of depredations of the leeches in the Himalayan region is given. The requirements for a leech repellent, to be of use in a hot humid and rainy area are stressed. A brief survey of the repellents and the need for their suitable screening for use in this area is made. Mention is made of some newer insect and mite repellents, which are likely to prove leech repellents as well.It is suggested that emphasis should be made on the choice of a impregnated repellent for military use in the area rather than on a 'skin repellent.
How to Cite
Koshy, T. (2014). Repellents Against Land Leeches for Military Use. Defence Science Journal, 17(2A), 47-50.
Research Papers