Estimation of vertex from the total time of plight to graze and modification of Sladen's formula

  • G. S. Gupta Armament Research & Development Establishment, Kirkee
Keywords: Aerodynamics, Vertex, Trajectories, Graze, Vertex heights, Ballistics


The limitations of the applicability of Sladen's formula for estimating vertex heights are discussed and the errors involved in its use are shown. An improved formula for rapid calculations of vortex height from the time of flight to graze is given. A better method for the estimation of vertex height by extrapolation or interpolation only assuming that the vertex heights at two times of flight are known, is also given.
How to Cite
Gupta, G. (2014). Estimation of vertex from the total time of plight to graze and modification of Sladen’s formula. Defence Science Journal, 16(1), 31-38.
Research Papers