Welding Studies on a Near-alpha Titanium Alloy
The mechanical properties and microstructures of electron beam and friction welds of a near-alpha titanium alloy IMI 834 (presently TIMET 834) have been evaluated. Electron beam welds that contain micro pores and friction welds are free from such solidification-related defects. Porosity index in electron beam welds shows a decreasing trend with an increase in the welding speed. Electron beam welds contain coarse prior β grains and fine transformed β microstructure while, friction welds contain fine prior β grains and coarse transformed β microstructure. Electron beam welds with fine transformed β microstructure exhibited higher strength as compared to friction welds with coarse transformed β microstructure. The impact toughness of both the welds is comparable. Drastic reduction in impact toughness was observed when the welds were subjected to post-weld ageing as a result of inter-lath precipitation. Coarse-grained electron beam welds exhibited better creep and stress rupture properties as compared to friction welds.
Defence Science Journal, 2011, 61(6), pp.590-596, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.61.648
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