Polarographic Studies of Phenol Sulphophthalein

  • V. K. Venkatesan Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi
Keywords: Wave, Phenol red


The Polarographic reduction of phenol sulphophthalcin in buffered solutions of different pH has been investigated in detail. The effect of addition of gelatin, on the reduction for phenol red also been studied. It has been shown that the first wave can be used for the estimation of phenol red. When the gelatin concentration exceeds about 0.008%, the wave heights have been found to get affected.
How to Cite
Venkatesan, V. (2014). Polarographic Studies of Phenol Sulphophthalein. Defence Science Journal, 22(2), 127-130. https://doi.org/10.14429/dsj.22.6387
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