Slow Unsteady Flow of a Viscous Incompressible Fluid Between Two Wavy Walls

  • Y. N. Gaur M.R. Engineering College, Jaipur
Keywords: Radiation Pressure Number, Curved Shock


Slow unsteady flow of a visoous, incompressible fluid between two plates with roughness along their length, under the influence of periodic pressure gradient, has been discussed. Integral trahsfom technique has been used to determine pressure and velocity components along and perpendicular tothe length of the plates and the pressure. Particular cases of sinusoidal roughness when the phase differences are zero and a have been solved numerically.
How to Cite
Gaur, Y. (2014). Slow Unsteady Flow of a Viscous Incompressible Fluid Between Two Wavy Walls. Defence Science Journal, 21(1), 1-12.
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