Mathematical Modelling of Underwater Reverberation

  • C. Madhavan Naval Physical & Oceanographic Laboratory, Cochin
Keywords: Reverberation, Underwater reverberation


A comprehensive treatment of underwater reverberation mentioning the case for reverberation has been discussed. The different approaches adopted by earlier workers for evolving a mathematical model of reverberation is also discussed. The implementation and validation of a model for volume reverberation on a general purpose computer produced by a constant carrier transmit pulse of arbitrary shape and duration, for use by advanced signal processors.

Author Biography

C. Madhavan, Naval Physical & Oceanographic Laboratory, Cochin
Naval Physical & Oceanographic Laboratory, Cochin-682 004
How to Cite
Madhavan, C. (2014). Mathematical Modelling of Underwater Reverberation. Defence Science Journal, 33(4), 323-330.
Review Papers