Prioritising Emergency Bridgeworks Assessment under Military Consideration using an Enhanced Fuzzy Weighted Average Approach
Prioritising emergency bridgeworks assessment has been a key to winning battles in combat circumstances because of soldier safety, attack or defence tactics, and logistic supply ability. However, an imprecise or vague satisfaction level of importance of criteria may also affect the prioritising evaluation of bridgeworks under military consideration. In this paper, the fuzzy set theory is employed to treat this aspect. With linguistic variables, fuzzy numbers and an enhanced fuzzy weighted average approach will be used. The proposed approach is used to investigate an example to illustrate its applications in emergency bridgeworks assessment. The approach is shown to be useful and effective. In order to make computing and ranking results easier and to increase recruiting productivity, a computer-based decision support system has been developed, which may help the commander make decisions more efficiently.
Defence Science Journal, 2010, 60(4), pp.451-461, DOI:
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