A Note on the Constant Pressure Phase in an Orthodox Gun with Moderated Charges using Hydro-Dynamical Model

  • D. K. Narvilkar Armament Research & Development Establishment, Pune
  • K. C. Sharma Institute of Armament Technology, Pune
Keywords: Constant pressure guns, Lagrange mean density function, Propellant gases


The existing work on the constant pressure guns has been improved upon by introducing the concept of Lagrange mean density function for the propellant gases behind the shot. Lagrange hydrodynamical model has been considered and the expressions have been established to work out the shape factor of the second component of the moderated charge, which will maintain a constant pressure during the burning of this component. This is followed by the numerical computations of a problem to establish the physical interpretation of the results.


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How to Cite
Narvilkar, D., & Sharma, K. (2013). A Note on the Constant Pressure Phase in an Orthodox Gun with Moderated Charges using Hydro-Dynamical Model. Defence Science Journal, 38(1), 43-58. https://doi.org/10.14429/dsj.38.4824
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