A Microprocessor-Based System for Monitoring Gas Turbines

  • P. K.S. Shrivastava Institute of Armament Technology, Pune
  • R. P. Arora Institute of Armament Technology, Pune
  • Jasbir Singh Institute of Armament Technology, Pune
Keywords: Gas turbines, Compressor spools, Torque


The development and testing of hardware and software for a microprocessor-based monitoring system for gas turbines is described in this paper. The operators of gas turbines can be trained to monitor running hours, slip between high and low pressure compressor spools and torque on the reduction gear-box under various conditions ofoperation. The system will replace the traditional method of monitoring these parameters which are more time consuming and error prone.


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How to Cite
Shrivastava, P., Arora, R., & Singh, J. (2013). A Microprocessor-Based System for Monitoring Gas Turbines. Defence Science Journal, 39(2), 121-131. https://doi.org/10.14429/dsj.39.4757
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