Modelling the Heterogeneous Markov Attrition Process .

  • Jau Yeu Menq Chung-Cheng Institute of Technology, Taoyuan
  • Sheng Lin Chang National Taiwan Institute of Technology, Taipei
Keywords: Heterogeneous markov attrition process, Iterative inversion, Combat, Combat time distribution


A model for heterogeneous dynamics combat as a continuos-time Markov process has been studied, and on account of the special form of its infinitesimal generator, recursive algorithms are derived to compute the important characteristics of the combat, such as the combat time distribution, expected value and variance, and the probability of winning and expected survivors. Numerical results are also presented. This approach can also be used to consider initial contact forces of both sides as random variables.

Author Biographies

Jau Yeu Menq, Chung-Cheng Institute of Technology, Taoyuan
Jan-Yeu Menq is the Chairman and Associate Professor at Chung- Cheng Institute of Technology, Taiwan. He received his PhD in Industrial Management from the National Taiwan Institute of Technology in 1989. His current research interests include system simulation, system engineering and war-game modalling.
Sheng Lin Chang, National Taiwan Institute of Technology, Taipei
Dept of Industrial Management, National Taiwan Institute of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.
How to Cite
Menq, J., & Chang, S. (2013). Modelling the Heterogeneous Markov Attrition Process . Defence Science Journal, 43(1), 79-78.
Engineering Science & Technology

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