Latest Trends in Finite Element Analysis

  • L. S. Madhav Naval Science & Technological Laboratory, Visakhapatnam
Keywords: Finite element method, Boundary element, Finite element, Finite difference, Computer graphics


This paper highlights the advances in computer graphics and the computational power of the processors which have promoted a method of analysis, applicable to almost all the fields of engineering. The advantages of the computers have been judiciously used in the design of algorithms, based on the principles of finite difference, finite element, boundary element, etc., intended for the analysis of engineering components. The concept of finite element method which has been generalised with the availability of commercial software, is also reviewed with a special emphasis on the future trends. The modelling and visualisation techniques have also been discussed with an inner perspective on future of visual display of multidimensional complex information. The application of these techniques in some fields is also indicated.

Author Biography

L. S. Madhav, Naval Science & Technological Laboratory, Visakhapatnam
Naval Science & Technological Laboratory, Visakhapatnam
How to Cite
Madhav, L. (2013). Latest Trends in Finite Element Analysis. Defence Science Journal, 46(1), 49-52.
Computers & Systems Studies