Conventional Armaments for coming decades .

  • S.K. Salwan Armament Research & Development Establishment, Pune.
Keywords: Weapon systems, Propulsion technologies, Manufacturing technologies, Electronic warfare


Conventional arnaments have continued to play a decisive role even in the present scenario of nuclear weapons and electronic warfare. As a war-fighting technology, they are low cost, reliable, highly effective and proven in several battlefield situations. With the application of advancements in electronics, materials and manufacturing technologies, computers and propulsion technologies to conventional weapon systems, they are capable of having greater flexibility, lethality , accuracy and effectiveness. This communication gives an overview on advancements in conventional armament systems, emerging trends in weapon technologies and modern enabling technologies for advanced weapon systems.

Author Biography

S.K. Salwan, Armament Research & Development Establishment, Pune.
Armament Research & Development Establishment, Pune.
How to Cite
Salwan, S. (2013). Conventional Armaments for coming decades . Defence Science Journal, 47(4), 417-426.
Armaments & Explosives