Snowcover Simulation Model : A Review

  • Ashwagosha Ganju Snow & Avalanche Study Establishment, Manali
  • P. K. Satyawali Snow & Avalanche Study Establishment, Manali
  • Amreek Singh Snow & Avalanche Study Establishment, Manali
  • D. N. sethi Snow & Avalanche Study Establishment, Manali
Keywords: Snowcover models, Snowpack


Numerical simulation of seasonal snowcover has attracted the interest of many scientists in the recent past. The present paper summarises chronologically developments in the understanding of snow properties and discusses various modelling approaches towards simulating the snowpack numerically. The authors describe the evolution of snowcover and the intricate relationship between the evolving snowpack and the atmosphere. The governing equations that describe the evolution of snowcover have been discussed. The merits and limitations of each equation pescribing a single process have been explained. Modelling strategies adopted by various workers have been analysed, and lastly the requirements of a perfect model have been brought out. In the absence of complete answers to many other processes, a strategy for the development of an operational snowcover model has been discussed.

Author Biographies

Ashwagosha Ganju, Snow & Avalanche Study Establishment, Manali
Mr A Ganju obtained his MSc Hons. (Geology) from Punjab University, Chandigarh, in 1984. Hejoined DRDO in 1986 at the Snow & Avalanche Study Establishment (SASE), Manali. He is associated with the development of avalanche forecasting model. His other areas of research include:snowcover modelling. statistics-based forecasting and terrain modelling. He visited Switzerland under a joint programme of SASE and SFISAR. Switzerland on avalanche forecasting in 1995.
P. K. Satyawali, Snow & Avalanche Study Establishment, Manali
Mr PK Satyawali obtained his MSc (Physics). He joined DRDO in 1991 at the SASE, Manali.Presently, he is associated with the development of snowcover simulation model. His areas of research include: snow metamorphism, snow microstructure and water vapour flow into snow. Hevisited Switzerland in 1998 under a joint programme of SASE and SFISAR, Switzerland
Amreek Singh, Snow & Avalanche Study Establishment, Manali
Mr Amreek Singh obtained his MTech (Cold Kegion Sciences and Engineering) from G.B. PantUniv, ofAgriculture & Technology, Pantnagar. He joined DRDO at the SASE, Manali, in 1997. Heparticipated in the 17* Indian Antarctic Expedition as a summer team member. His areas of research include: snowcover modelling, numerical techniques and software development.
D. N. sethi, Snow & Avalanche Study Establishment, Manali
Mr DN Sethi obtained his BTech (Mechanical) and joined DRDO in 1975 at SASE, Manali. He hasbeen associated with the design and development of avalanche control structures in J & K , HP and UP hills. His areas of research include: zone planning, snow mechanics and research management.


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How to Cite
Ganju, A., Satyawali, P., Singh, A., & sethi, D. (2013). Snowcover Simulation Model : A Review. Defence Science Journal, 49(5), 419-436.
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