Tools and Techniques for testing of Flight Critical Software

  • G. Venkat Reddy Aeronautical Development Establishment, Bangalore.
  • Ahalya Chandrasekhar Aeronautical Development Establishment, Bangalore.
Keywords: Regression testing, Software error detection, Flight critical software


Flight control system software is a critical component of the digital flight control computer of light combat aircraft. The problems associated with the testing of flight critical software and the test tools, and techniques used to achieve maintainability, and structural and functional coverage of test cases are presented. Also, the experience gained throughout the cycle of testing-design and implementation, reviews and revisions, test execution and software error detection and modificaton of test cases based on requirements and design changes, and regression testing are enumerated. It presents an object-oriented approach towards testing to make it less tedious, more creative, reviewable and easily miantainable.

Author Biographies

G. Venkat Reddy, Aeronautical Development Establishment, Bangalore.
Mr G Venkat Reddy Joined Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore, in 1987, Heis working in the area of flight control sytems for the last 12 years. He is a member of the-testteam carrying out software and system integration testing of LCA-FCS.
Ahalya Chandrasekhar, Aeronautical Development Establishment, Bangalore.
Smt Ahalya Chandrasekhar joined Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), Bangalore, in 1986. Sheis working in the area of flight control systems for the last 13 years. Recently, she has been deputedto ADE, Bangalore, where she is the team leader for the CSUICSC testing of LCA-FCS sogware.She is also involved in system integration testing of LCA-FCS.


Myers, Glenford J. The art of software testing. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1979.

Beizer, Boris. Software testing techniques. Ed.2. Von-Nostrand, New York, 1990.

CSUICSC test plan for primary OFP of LCAFCS. Aeronautical Development Establishment,

Bangalore. Report No ADE/LCS/FCS/PRY/STP, January 1 996.

How to Cite
Reddy, G., & Chandrasekhar, A. (2013). Tools and Techniques for testing of Flight Critical Software. Defence Science Journal, 49(4), 317-322.