Recent Developments in Tolerancing Techniques

  • Kamlesh Purohit Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur.
  • C.S. Sharma Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur
Keywords: Cost tolerance, Tolerance design, Mechanical tolerances


Mechanical tolerances are specified in conjunction with part geometry, material type andother technical specifications during the design of mechanical components and assemblies., These tolerances ensure the expected design function, and provide guidelines for the manufactureof designed parts. However, assigning proper tolerances for a design is a non-trivial task. Thispaper reviews the recent developments in the field of tolerancing techniques, particularly withreference to the use of computers, cost tolerance relationship and tolerance design for qualityimprovement of the product.

Author Biographies

Kamlesh Purohit, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur.
Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur
C.S. Sharma, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur
Jai Narain @as University, Jodhpur


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How to Cite
Purohit, K., & Sharma, C. (2013). Recent Developments in Tolerancing Techniques. Defence Science Journal, 49(4), 291-298.