Influence of environmental factors on sweating rate of sedentary subjects

  • G. C. Mookerjee Army Medical Corps.
  • N. C. Majumdar Defence Science Organisation, New Delhi
Keywords: Sweating rate, Sedentary


Results of a comparative study on the influence of various thermal indices on the sweating rate of sedentary subjects have been reported in this paper. Superiority of dry-bulb temperature of air over other indices for rough assessment of water requirement in relatively dry heat has been demonstrated, and a simple prediction chart for the same has been worked out. The results have thus been found to lend support to the idea that sweating rate alone cannot serve as an index of comfort. Limitations of such field trials have also been discussed

Author Biographies

G. C. Mookerjee, Army Medical Corps.
Major, A.M.C., Defence Science Organisation, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi
N. C. Majumdar, Defence Science Organisation, New Delhi
Defence Science Organisation, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi


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Mookerjee, G.C. and Chose, B.K. “ Response of Indian Soldiers in hot dry climate ", A.M.C. Journal, Vol. VIII, No. 2, April, 1952, pages 49-59.

Mookerjee, G.C. and Sharma, R.N.: “A Report on environmental ' Comfort Zone ' in dry tropics”, J.S.I.R., 1953 Vol. 12A, page8 283 -287.

How to Cite
Mookerjee, G., & Majumdar, N. (2013). Influence of environmental factors on sweating rate of sedentary subjects. Defence Science Journal, 4(4), 183-188.
Biomedical Sciences