Fire retardant paints

  • D.B. Parihar defence science organisation, ministry of defence. New Delhi.
Keywords: paints, intumescent paint, flame, cellulose


The mechanism involved in the flame-proofing of cellulose is explained on modern electronic concepts. Some recent developments on intumescent paint and mastic compositions with the scope of their further improvement are discussed.


Author Biography

D.B. Parihar, defence science organisation, ministry of defence. New Delhi.
Defence Science Organisation


Audig6, M.A.; Fire-proof paints. Peintures, Pigments, Varnis ; 2'7 (1951), 345-51, 425-30.

Sterbnerg, Leon ; Fire-retarding paints, Am. Paint, 9. 36, (1952), 36, 69, 72, 74, 76, 78.

Firere retardant paints, Chem. Eng. News; 31, No. 37, (1953)37, 30 -35.

Schuyten, H. A. ; Weaver, J.W.; and Reid, H. ; David ; J. R. presented before the Division of Paint, Plastics and Printing Ink Chemistry at the 123rd meeting, American Chemical Society, Los Angeles, Calif., 1953.

How to Cite
Parihar, D. (2013). Fire retardant paints. Defence Science Journal, 4(2), 93-98.
Chemical Science & Technology