Photo decomposition of aromatic nitrocompounds

  • W.D. Patvardhan Technical Development Establishment, (military Explosives), kirkee, Poona-3.
Keywords: Aromatic compounds, Nitrous acid, Phenol,


When aqueous solutions/suspensions of monitor aromatic compounds are exposed to sunlight, nitrous acid and the corresponding phenol are produced. The nitro compounds also give rise to nitrosophenols which further react to form azoxy compounds. In case of a polynitrocompound like T.N.T. a complex polymeric photodecomposition product is obtained as a result of more than one reaction taking place simultaneously.

Author Biography

W.D. Patvardhan, Technical Development Establishment, (military Explosives), kirkee, Poona-3.

Assistant superintendent of Development

Technical Development Establishment, (military Explosive).


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How to Cite
Patvardhan, W. (2013). Photo decomposition of aromatic nitrocompounds. Defence Science Journal, 4(2), 67-73.
Chemical Science & Technology