Focal Adjustment for Star Tracker

  • Liu Hai-bo National University of Defense Technology, Changsha
  • Jian-kun Yang National Laboratory of Space Intelligent Control, Beijing
  • Ji-chun Tan National University of Defense Technology, Changsha
  • De-zhi Su National University of Defense Technology, Changsha
  • Wen-liang Wang National University of Defense Technology, Changsha
  • Xiu-jian Li National University of Defense Technology, Changsha
  • Hui Jia National University of Defense Technology, Changsha
Keywords: Star tracker, focal adjustment, defocus, star spot image


Technique of measuring intensity distribution and size of spot image developed has been discussed, which is especially suitable for defocus adjustment in ground test of star tracker. A novel approach for choosing a proper defocusing position has been proposed based on collimator, Gaussian surface fitting method, and other ordinary instruments. It proves to be practical and adequate in the development of distant object tracking such as star tracker.

Defence Science Journal, 2010, 60(6), pp.678-682, DOI:

Author Biographies

Liu Hai-bo, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha

Mr Hai-bo Liu obtained his MS from National University of Defence Technology in 2008. His research interests are optics and photoelectricity measurement.

Jian-kun Yang, National Laboratory of Space Intelligent Control, Beijing

Mr Jian-kun Yang obtained his MS (Optical Engineering) from National University of Defence Technology, China, in 1993. Presently, working as a Professor at College of Science, National University of Defence Technology. His research areas include optical information procession, automatic target recognition, and remote sensing.

Ji-chun Tan, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha

Mr Ji-chun Tan obtained his MS from Sichuan University in 1984. Presently, working as a Professor at College of Science, National University of Defence Technology. His research areas are photoelectricity measurement, and image processing and volume grating.

De-zhi Su, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha

Mr De-zhi Su obtained his BS from National University of Defence Technology, China, in 2008. His research areas are optics, and photo electricity measurement.

Wen-liang Wang, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha

Mr Wen-liang Wang obtained his BS from the National University of Defence Technology, China, in 2008. His research areas are opto-electrical technology, and space measurement.

Xiu-jian Li, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha

Mr Xiu-jian Li obtained his PhD in Optical Engineering from the National University of Defence Technology, China, in 2007. Currently, working as an Associate Professor at College of Science, National University of Defence Technology. His research areas include optical information procession, and optical computing.

Hui Jia, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha

Mr Hui Jia obtained his BS (Applied Physics) from the National University of Defence Technology, China, in 2005. His research areas include optical information procession, and optical computing.

How to Cite
Hai-bo, L., Yang, J.- kun, Tan, J.- chun, Su, D.- zhi, Wang, W.- liang, Li, X.- jian, & Jia, H. (2010). Focal Adjustment for Star Tracker. Defence Science Journal, 60(6), 678-682.
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