Viability Study of Concept of Hybrid Antitank & Air Defence Armoured Vehicle.

  • Mohan Vizhakat Snow & Avalanche Study Establishment, Manali.
Keywords: Global situation, Expected design parameters, Military technology, Weapon systems, Indigenous innovations


In the past few decades, tanks have been developed into a highly effective weapon system, particularly useful in the shortj intense and highly dynamic scenario of modem warfare. However, with the advent of new jtechnology, tanks would definitely have to undergo improvements to remain cost-effective as well as combat-effective. Such evolutionjis already taking place with new designs being developed 31" well as those still on the drawing board of advanced nations. In the race for technolological domilnation, only those nations with a tradition of indigenous innovations and courage to tread new paths, can hope to remain dominant in the field of military technology.

Author Biography

Mohan Vizhakat, Snow & Avalanche Study Establishment, Manali.
Maj Mohan Vizhakat was commissioned to the Corps of Signals from Indian Military Academy, Dehradun, in 1983. He'did his BTech in Electroniqs and Telecommunications Engineering and is also a graduate of Technical Staff Officers Course from the Institute of Armament Technology (DRDO), Pune. During his .career in the Army, he had been inyolved in conceptualisation, design, planning,
implementation and operation or various types of static as well as mobile, network-based automated communication systems at a variety of locations, including built up area, deserts, jungles and mountains around the country. Presently, he is posted to the Snow & Avalanche Study Establishment,at Chandigarh.
How to Cite
Vizhakat, M. (2013). Viability Study of Concept of Hybrid Antitank & Air Defence Armoured Vehicle. Defence Science Journal, 50(3), 273-279.
Armaments & Explosives