Strategic Minerals of India

  • D. N. Wadia Ministry of Natural Resources and Scientific Research.
Keywords: Minerals, mineral economy, Ferro alloy metals, metals in war.


The state of disequilibrium in the country's mineral economy may not be harmful in time of international peace, but is a source of double danger to national security in a war emergency, when imports of essential commodities, e.g., petroleum may be jeopardised and the off-take of credit earning exports may be stopped. A healthy economy can be achieved by balancing as near as possible, the surpluses against deficits through building up civilian industrial power of production of substitute for some deficient and sub-marginal commodities and stockpiling of others.

Author Biography

D. N. Wadia, Ministry of Natural Resources and Scientific Research.
Geological Adviser, Ministry of Natural Resources and Scientific Research.
How to Cite
Wadia, D. (2013). Strategic Minerals of India. Defence Science Journal, 2(4), 198-199.
Materials Science & Metallurgy