Impulsive Loading of Armour by High Explosive Squash Head Munition

  • P.U. Deshpande Armament Research & Development Establishment, Pune
  • V.D. Prabhu Armament Research & Development Establishment, Pune
  • K.V. Prabhakaran Armament Research & Development Establishment, Pune
Keywords: HESH ammunition, impulsive loading, blast, dynamic loading, static loading, high explosive squash head munition, explosive reactive armour, scabbing, spalling, fracture mechanics


Results obtained by theoretical modelling studies involving classical stress-strain theories, duly validated by experimental investigation in understanding the mechanism of impulsive loading (scabbing) and blast under dynamic and static conditions, are discussed. This concept has been used in designing a high explosive squash head ammunition being effective in defeating monolithic armour. Efforts have been made to carry out an in-depth study in understanding the mechanism of scabbing under static and dynamic (live firing) conditions. For this purpose, a one-dimensional computer code has been used to predict the spread of explosive against time on the target. The simulations were carried out using a 2-D Lagrangian hydrodynamic code for scabbing effect. The blast effect that follows under static and dynamic conditions has also been studied. Blast parameters have been computed in terms of TNT equivalent and compared with experimental results. The events occurring during impulsive loading of 135 mm monolithic rolled homogenous armour have been illustrated.
How to Cite
Deshpande, P., Prabhu, V., & Prabhakaran, K. (2003). Impulsive Loading of Armour by High Explosive Squash Head Munition. Defence Science Journal, 53(4), 357-365.
Armaments & Explosives