Remote sensing in strategic applications (Review Paper)

  • D.S. Srinivas Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun
  • P.S. Roy Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun
Keywords: Hyperspectral imaging, Radar interferometry, Fractal chaacteriation, Isarithm, Variogram, Triangular prism, Neural networks, Remote sensing, Single pass interferometry


Remote sensing has come a long way in the last three decades. The technology has reached all spheres of human activity and affected our life in innumerable ways. Some of the recent studies in this area have contributed towards better resolution, better precision and opened up a host of new application areas. The era of hyperspectral imaging is on, and expected that it will soon overtake the multispectral imaging within a few years, Synthetic aperture radar interferometery has taken strides towards providing accurate digital elevation models than ever before, the recent shuttle radar topography mission has proven its capability, with a near coverage of the whole globe and the dictum of digital earth is soon going to be a reality. Information extraction from remote sensing .images has reached new heights with recent methodologies like the neural networks and contextual classification, enabling to create and incorporate external knowledge into the classification process. Some of these emerging technologies and processing methods in the context of strategic application areas have been discussed.
How to Cite
Srinivas, D., & Roy, P. (2002). Remote sensing in strategic applications (Review Paper). Defence Science Journal, 51(3), 251-261.
Special Issue Papers