Interpolation Technique in Computed Tomography Image Visualisation(Short Communication)

  • Asha Tripathi Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur
  • P. K. Khatri Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur
  • G. L. Baheti Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur
  • K. C. Songara Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur
Keywords: Interpolation technique, quick-scan tomography, first-generation CT system, CT images, tomographic image, computed tomography, imaging techniques, image processing, image visualisation


An interpolation technique has been developed for generation of enlarged dataset from a limited one-dimesional acquired dataset for improving the image quality in quick-scan tomography. The effectiveness of the technique has been tested using data acquired from the first-generation. The CT images generated using this technique have been compared with the CT images generated from the acquired dataset for the same number of projections. The image quality has been improved on account of (i) enhancement of features, (ii) reduction in reconstruction artifacts, and (iii) magnification of the image without pixelisation.
How to Cite
Tripathi, A., Khatri, P., Baheti, G., & Songara, K. (2002). Interpolation Technique in Computed Tomography Image Visualisation(Short Communication). Defence Science Journal, 52(3), 317-324.
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