Calculation of Overall Effective Extinction Cross Section of Several Cold Smoke Infrared Ammunitions

  • Jiayin Wang Institute of Electrical Engineering, China
  • Jiaming Shi Institute of Electrical Engineering, China
  • Bo Xu Institute of Electrical Engineering, China
  • Jiachun Wang Institute of Electrical Engineering, China
  • Zhongcai Yuan Institute of Electrical Engineering, China
Keywords: Cold smoke infrared ammunition, effective extinction cross section, optimal distance, infrared technology, countermeasure devices, smoke ammunition, dischargers, cold


The effective extinction cross section is an important parameter of the cold smoke infrared ammunition. This paper discusses the calculation of the maximal effective extinction cross section of the smoke produced by several smoke ammunitions and gives the optimal distance between the centres of the two adjacent smoke spheres. This study can provide theoretical basis for proper use of the smoke ammunition and the optimisation of the discharger.
How to Cite
Wang, J., Shi, J., Xu, B., Wang, J., & Yuan, Z. (2004). Calculation of Overall Effective Extinction Cross Section of Several Cold Smoke Infrared Ammunitions. Defence Science Journal, 54(3), 329-334.
Armaments & Explosives