Maximisation of Expected Target Damage Value

  • Kusum Deep Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee
  • Millie Pant Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee
Keywords: Weapon assignment, optimisation, integer programming problems, genetic algorithm, target damage, I-GRST algorithm


The weabon assignment problem has been modelled as a nonlinear integer programming problem'. The problem is to assign weapons to the targets to maximise the optimum-target damage
value. There are constsainfs on various types of weapons available and on minimum number of weapons by types to be assigned to various targets. The objective function is nonlinear, the
constraints are linear in nature, and the,decision variables are restricted to be integers.The results obtained by Bracken and McCormick' should not be applied to solve t h e problem of
weapon assignment to target to maximise the optimum target damage value, because firstly, the results violate the constraints, and secondly, instead of using the integer programming techniques, the crude method of rounding off has been used,to obtain the sglution.-In this study, the I-GRST algorithm developed by ~ c eapnd Pant2.'h as been used to solve the weapon 3ssignnient problem. The results obtained are better than the results ohrn~nedb y Bracken ;~ndM cCormick'nnd also do not violate any constraints.
How to Cite
Deep, K., & Pant, M. (2005). Maximisation of Expected Target Damage Value. Defence Science Journal, 55(2), 133-139.
Computers & Systems Studies