Performance Estimation by Varying the Grain Port Alignment Position in a Hybrid Rocket Motor

Keywords: Hybrid rocket, Offset port, Regression rate, Combustion efficiency, Pre-post combustion chamber


A Hybrid Rocket Motor (HRM) is a type of chemical rocket propulsion in which the propellants are stored in different physical states. To counter the low regression rate characteristic of HRM different grain configurations with innovative port techniques has been evolved with time. It creates better mixing and combustion of fuel with oxidizer without having any special injector and energetic additives. A similar technique has been used in the present study. The fuel used in the present study is a solid grain made from polyvinyl chloride with di-butyl phthalate in the 50:50 ratios with gaseous oxygen as an oxidizer. In this paper, analyses are made to study the performance of a hybrid rocket motor by varying the axial alignment of the grain port at varying locations along the length. Due to the offset of the fuel port at varying locations, recirculation zone were created that enhanced the pressure in the combustion chamber by around 1-2 bar. The thrust generated was increased in the range of 10 to 25 N. Regression rate as well as efficiency was also observed to be increased with the use of this port alignment techniques.

How to Cite
K, G., & Kumar, R. (2024). Performance Estimation by Varying the Grain Port Alignment Position in a Hybrid Rocket Motor. Defence Science Journal, 74(2), 225-233.
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